Monday, February 14, 2011

Sending out a feeler: Non-Pittsburgh area

If you live outside the Pittsburgh area and wish to take part in the invasion, leave a comment, including your Twitter account.


  1. I would love to get information about costs...I don't know if I can afford it but I would like to twitter account is @seattlepensfan

  2. I've already got 3 tickets ordered. Me and a few buddies will be in section 102. Were coming in from Rochester, NY. I'd be willing to sell these tickets off though if you get the group thing going. Twitter is @rmiller5189

  3. Yeah I'd be interested in it, I live in Austin, Texas but that's about when I take my Spring "vacation", so if we can nail down ticket prices I can look for airfare. Twitter is @ckelley

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm in from Boston. Got buddies in nyc also. twitter is @pmpatek and @noskellingtons (friend in nyc)

  6. I'm interested, but I need more information on costs, especially because I'd be coming from Montreal. Twitter @Cruxen

  7. absolutely interested. maybe offer a hotel/ticket package on the side? we could work on flights or something. @garysucks on twitter.

  8. My wife and I already bought tickets a long time ago, before all this happened. @KidMeevin and @MrsMeehin will be there sec120.

  9. Absolutely. Probably would only be 1 ticket for myself. Live in San Diego, CA. As far as I am concerned, if I can get a ticket, the rest will get sorted out. All I'd have to figure out is if I'd leave Saturday or Sunday to fly back depending on what others decide. Twitter account @socalblackngold

  10. very interested. and i live in NJ so the travel aspect won't be that bad for me...just concerned about ticket prices. twitter: lisataranto

  11. I'll megabus or fly up from DC, maybe carpool with some other DC folks if we get together.

    No twitter for me so I'll just check here and the blogs, etc.

  12. NW PA but would get to pittsburgh to meet up if need be @andrewscott67

  13. Interested pending price. Live on maryland line close to baltimore. Twitter is @jesskit26

  14. Definitely Interested. We live in Columbus,OH and could meet in Pittsburgh.
    @The6000le @TobotWeekley

  15. I'm interested, I live between Pitt and Philadelphia so I would probably have to find my own transportation but I would be interested in tickets and hotel. @jbowers62

  16. I'm in Albany, NY and planning to come with my Fiancee, and possibly 2 other friends.

    twitter: Sickickskeeter
